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Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

Mafia Wars Autoplayer Facebook

Install Mafia Wars Autoplayer Facebook
Userscript And Firefox
Greasemonkey is an extension for Mozilla Firefox, an open source Web Browser. Most userscripts are written for Firefox & Greasemonkey (although some work in Opera, Safari and even Internet Explorer).
For this guide I will assume you are using Firefox, if not you should install Firefox first.
Userscripts Run via Greasemonkey
Now that you have Firefox, you need to install Greasemonkey. After installation (which requires restarting your browser), you are now ready to install userscripts.
Now clicking on a .user.js link triggers Greasemonkey to pop up the script installation panel. Greasemonkey shows you a list of what sites the script will run on and ask if you want to install the script.
Now loading a web page results in additional code (the userscript) being run.

Other Browsers

User scripts can be used in browsers other than Firefox, but the scripting APIs and browser JavaScript support vary.
  • Opera userscripts: Opera has it’s own UserScript API with different functionality than Greasemonkey’s. However, it does recognise Greasemonkey scripts. and many scripts on this site do work in Opera. See here for a guide to installing scripts in Opera and here for details on which Greasemonkey scripts are likely to work.
  • auto refresh page with random time
  • auto mission mastery + (will get required loot/inventory)
  • auto fight / Rob
  • auto stats
  • auto health replenish
  • auto banking feature
  • job energy returns calculated
  • auto energy-pack usage
  • auto property purchase
  • auto property protect
  • auto property heal
  • superior log info collection
  • statistic collection
  • ride hitlist feature
  • auto lotto
After installing, the script will be running as Paused. The only thing different will be what you see below.
Prior to clicking Resume, first click AutoPlay Settings. Most likely you don’t want to use the default settings.
- Enable auto-refresh / Refresh every “30″ to “110″ seconds (default set to 30 – 110 )
This refreshes the screen looking for items to complete at a random interval be between the two times you set.
>>> It is not recommended to set the first time below 30 seconds as it may become too difficult to get into the settings to change anything.
- Enable auto-heal / Minimum health + Hide in hospital
This will take you to the hospital and completely heal your character once Health gets below what you set. It will also automatically withdraw money from the bank if needed.
>>> Setting this to below 29 could cause you to die in your next fight.
- Heal In
This option allows you to heal in the city you chose ~ (New York, Cuba, Moscow)
- Hide in Hospital
Enable this to prevent others from attacking you for a short period of time. The auto-heal will start up again once your health gets back to 20. You will know you are hiding in the hospital when the icon next to Health on the games front page shows a red cross with a bandage around it.
>>> The red cross (or red cross with the white flag if you are hiding) can be clicked on to heal you in one click.
>>> Using this setting in conjunction with setting your auto-heal setting to 29 is very efficient for getting into the hospital. Since the max damage is 27+damage bonus, at 29 you shouldn’t ever be killed, but are likely to end up in the hospital. If you set your heal to 50 or higher, you will not likely get there. There can be an issue that you do not have the ability to heal when you get below 29 and over 20, then you could be killed. A request has been submitted to add a timer to delay fighting after a heal, to allow us to heal again. The recommendation was to just increase the delay between fights, but that unfortunately made it too slow and ended up wasting energy/stamina.
- But heal if stamina can be spent
This will only heal (if Hiding in hospital) and you have enough stamina to keep fighting by clicking this will remove “Hide in hospital” and reheal once you reach the stanima you set
- Enable auto-bank / Maximum amount
This will automatically make deposits for you once your cash goes above the amount you set.
>>> Auto-bank shouldn’t be set if you want to auto-buy, as auto-buy doesn’t withdraw cash, but protects it from the 10% fee by saving it to property instead of the bank.
>>> Auto Bank In New York & Cuba Now!
- Enable auto-pause
This will pause the script Choose between Before or After you level up. If you choose Before, then also set the Experience left to pause at. The system will pause once your experience needed to level up gets to that amount or less.
>>>If you chose pause before leveling up, note that certain events can still happen that gain you experience points and push you into leveling up. Being Paused cannot prevent this.
- Enable auto-lotto
This will Auto pick your tickets and Submit them.Image
- Enable left align main frame This will move the game play area to the left so that there is more room for the log on the right.
- Enable Hide advertising
This will remove the Zynga Hide advertising that show above the game play area.
- Move email options to the bottom
This will move the Email me notify to the bottom of the page.
- Enable Logging
This displays a log of events along the right side of the screen. Included in the log at the bottom are some stats of your character. More details about the log later.
Use the Max # of messages in log to determine how much information you want to viewable in the log at one time.
Set Log Player Updates to on if you want everything that shows in the Player Updates window recorded in the log. Otherwise, the only items that show up in the log is anything that the script does that you wouldn’t see in the Player Updates window.
- Log Player Updates
Enable this if you want everything that shows in the Player Updates window recorded in the log. Otherwise, the only items that show up in the log is anything that the script does that you wouldn’t see in the Player Updates window.Image
- Idle In
This will allow you to pick witch city you would like the game to Idle in. (New York, Cuba, Moscow)
- Enable Hourly Stats Updates
This will get hourly updates from the game.
- Skip Gift Wall Posts
This will Automatically click the Skip button when wall post pop up.
- Minimum experience for job help
This is the min about of experience you get back from the job (pic above was set for “Boss Job ~ Shake Down a City Council Member) Player can set to Any job payout amount.
- Message to post on Wall for job help
This will be the message that will be posted with the wall post for Help Jobs.
- Enable auto-stat
This will activate the auto stats (turn it on)
- Disable auto-stat when status goals are reached
If checked, the auto-stat will stop once you reach your status goals.
- Status Goal
This sets your status goal. As the layout implies:
[Stat Attribute] = [Multiplier] x [Character Attribute] + [Base Points]
Example: (Character with Level = 100, Attack = 50, Defense = 10)
Attack setting 2.5 x [Level] + 100 equals 300
Defense setting 0 x [Level] + 1000 equals 1000
These settings simply mean you target to have 300 Attack and 1000 Defense.
For a more dynamic approach, you usually want to hook your stats to your level so your goals will be adjusted everytime you level up.
If they have the same priority, status points will be allocated to the stat FARTHEST from the status goal.
- Priorities
If you want to prioritize putting points to a certain attribute, then set it to a priority higher than the others (1 being the highest).
- Fallback Method
Once you hit all your status goals and any of the fallback stat is checked, this is where your stat points will end up going in a “round-robin way”. The “Disable auto-stat…” option must be unchecked for the script to use fallback method.If not one of the fallback options is checked, the auto-stat allocation will just wait for you to level up and see if it can allocate points again.
- Enable log-filtering
This will let you pick words to filter in and out of the log E.g: The word in this example will be “WON” or “LOST” this will log all fight/robs that you WON/LOST words like “upgraded” will log the stats (You upgraded energy.) and so on… (will work on a full list of words that can be filtered)
- Master jobs one at a time
When turning this on, also select the mission you want to work on. Auto mission will continuously do this mission until it is mastered. Once mastered, the next mission will automatically be selected and the process will repeat.
When you only want to do a specific mission all the time.
- Perform any combination of jobs
When turning this you get the option to select jobs you wish to run (hold CTRL + push jobs )
Also Support multiple jobs with automatic switching based on experience payoff ratios and the ratio needed to level up.
>>> when enabled only one job ~ Repeat Job will kick in automatically.
- Perform jobs only when energy is full
Enabling this ill give you the opportunity to do some jobs on your own. Otherwise, it will run missions once energy is full thus preventing you from having an idol energy regeneration timer.
- Spend energy packs
This will use auto use energy packs if ready to be use (set by Estimate Job Ratio)
- Estimate Job Ratio
This will be how you set it your Auto-Energy Pack. (so if you set to 8.6 it will use it when job pay Ratio is at 8.6)
- Job mastery items owned
1, Have helicopter job mastery loot item (get this by completing All jobs in “Consigliere”)
2, Have Private Island job mastery loot item (get this by completing All jobs in “Underboss”)
3, Have golden throne job mastery loot item (get this by completing All jobs in “Boss”)
- Character type is Maniac
If you are Maniac Please tick this box as all player types are different.
- Auto Send Energy Pack
This will enable Auto Player to send Energy Packs to your mafia every hour.
- Spend stamina to
This is used to set if you want to Fight/Rob/Hitlist (pic below)
- Enable Random Opponents Fight/Rob
- Location
This will be where you want to fight. (New York Or Cuba)
- Maximum level
this is to put in the max level you would like to have your Opponents to have (Add My Level Checked will add any level close to you)
- Maximum mafia
this is to put in the max mafia size you would like to have your Opponents to have (Add my mafia size will add mafia size same as yours)
- Minimum mafia
This will be the minimum amount of mafia you would like
- Use fight stealth
This option will fight mafia that are either inactive or have health below 20. Fighting these users should not show in their history and can help you avoid being added to the hitlist.
If you’ve played the game manually you may have noticed that when you attack an opponent, sometimes the “Attack Again” link shows up after the first attack and sometimes it doesn’t. Some smart guys figured out that when this link shows up – the opponent is active and can see your attacks. When it DOESN’T have the link – the player has actually become inactive or their health is below 20 and attacking these people does not show up in their player updates.
To clarify, the script will CONTINUE to fight mafia that are either inactive, etc., etc. The trick is that the script must first find an inactive, etc., etc. player. To do this, the script has to fight an opponent AT LEAST ONCE to know whether fighting them again will be detected. If they are active the first attack will be seen in their player update with your name in all it’s glory. If you have stealth mode enabled the script will drop active players from the attack list after the first attack and only keep the ones that are inactive. When it runs out of inactive players to attack it will grab a new list of players and run test attacks until it finds more inactives. Another thing to note is that you will also be detected once a player become active, etc., etc. again.
The script cannot really hide you, but it just takes advantage of a known loophole of undetectability. In short you will only show up once in another players update window instead of multiple times.
- Avoid Top Mafia bodyguards
setting only applies to random mafia. If they are in your fight list, you will keep fighting them even if they are top mafia bodyguards.
- Avoid mafia families
This option will avoid fighting any families that contain the user defined list of prefixes in their names. These are usually clans. You may wish to avoid fighting members of your own clan, or you may wish to avoid fighting members of any clan since they may enlist the help of their clan to seek revenge.
- Stamina to keep on hand
Setting % Stamina to keep on hand (+/- 1) will keep some stamina for you to use as you like.
- Use all stamina to level up
Enabling Use all stamina to level up will override the above option only when the script calculates that your stored stamina is enough to get you to the next level this you don’t waste stamina.
- Enable Specific Opponents Fight/Rob
This will give you a box to put the users Facebook id number in so it will only Rob/Fight people in this list. (pic below)
- Collect Hitlist Bounties
Seems to explain its self in the pic below
1 Where to Collect Bounties
2 Minimum bounty
3 Avoid mafia families (explained above)
- Enable auto-hitlist
Not enabled at this time.
- Bounty amount
Not enabled at this time.
- Summarize Attacks From Player Updates
When Enabled, this option adds up all the attacks you receive in player updates and then displays them in the log after you’ve been snuffed.
>>> The script doesn’t actually know when you were put on the hitlist (this is very difficult to do, but we’re discussing how it might be possible) – anyway if you were just being attacked randomly throughout the day then at the end of the day were put on the hitlist – the entire days worth of attacks would be summarized and displayed like you see. The script then resets counts and starts capturing again until it sees you’ve died and spits out the summary once more.
When NOT Enabled, attacks you receive in player updates will be moved to the log right away.
- Enable Auto Buy
This will purchase properties that you have selected.
Properties are purchased in groups of 10. (except mafia mikes)
The property that gets purchased next is the property with the best return on investment (ROI). The ROI is visible on the property page. See below for this screen sample.
Minimum cash is the amount of money not to spend when purchasing properties.
The empty lots do not need to be selected for the script to buy them if the improved properties require them.
>>> Some people prefer not to stock up on empty lots, others think it is a good setting to select all…except casino. Everyone targets casino’s, even this script. You may not want to put too much money there to be robbed
- Enable auto-repair property
This will repair property that has been damaged. The script will automatically withdraw money from the bank if needed.
- Enable auto-protect property
This will protect property that needs protecting. The script will automatically withdraw money from the bank if needed.
>>> Currently this will repair/protect rather frequently potentially costing you a lot of money. You may not want to use the setting unless you are confident about your defenses. There is an open issue to repair protect when within a certain amount of time to collect the rent. This would be the most effective time to repair and protect, as the damage doesn’t affect your return at any other moment.
- Sell Cuban business output
This will make to Auto Player Travel to Cuba just to sell your business output make you money wile doing New York
- Clear log
Only clears the log. The stats at the bottom will remain.
- Clear stats
Only clears the stats. The log above will remain.
- Close mafia log
Will close the log. Log info and stats will not be cleared.
- Next auto-buy property.
This will tell you how much its going to cost for the next buy (also shows in log)
- Property ROI
This will show you how long it will take to make your money back
- Energy ROI
Energy ROI is the line at the top of the jobs just under the job level names. This states what job ratio to shoot for if you want to level on energy. It doesn’t take into account the stamina that you have.
- Next Job Timer
This puts Under the Do Job button, you will find how long until you can do the job.
- Automatically Accept Mafia Invites
This script will automatically accept mafia invites.
- Automatically Accept Mafia Help Jobs
Automatically Accept Mafia Help Jobs From Player Updates.

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